Menu setup (MOBI-Kounta)

**P.S. before you begin with this tutorial please visit here to understand the basic of the MOBI’s Menu editor**

The menu setup for this integration is highly reliant on the way that things are structured in Kounta. Hence, if everything is done correctly, you will just need to push the import button, make a few updates in MOBI, and your store should be ready to take orders.

Now, let’s explore menu editor in Kounta.

Creating products in Kounta  
Once you have login to your Kounta system, click on the trolley icon, which should be located on the right of your screen and click on “add products” button.


Then, enter the product name, price and assign the product into the desired category.


After that, you can either click on “add product” or click on “save and edit product” to add the description to the product. For instance, you can add “Ingredients - Ham and Pineapple” in the description of the Hawaiian pizza.

Creating modifiers in Kounta

Modifier can be the size or any extra ingredients that you wish to enable it to your customer to modify the product. In order to create modifier in Kounta, you will need to create the product and then turn the product into the modifier by editing the product.


You should always categorise product that meant to be a modifier in to a different category(some category will be imported as modifier group if all the products in that particular category are set to be modifiers). For instance, “small”, “medium” and “large” should be categorised into the size category or “Pepperoni”, “Pineapple” and “Bacon” should be categorised into the extra category. This will make things easier to manage.



Once you have follow the steps above, you will just need to import the menu, assign the right modifier group(s) into the right product and update the type of modifiers in MOBI.

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