What is Lightspeed?
Lightspeed is an all-in-one, cloud-based restaurant management system designed to help you build, maintain and grow your business while continuously providing unforgettable customer experiences.
This help article assumes your starting point is Mobi2Go and that you already have a Lightspeed account. You can sign-up to a free trial at https://www.lightspeedhq.com/pos/restaurant/
Setting up Lightspeed with Mobi2Go
Step One - Connecting your Lightspeed account
To begin you will need to have your Lightspeed account linked to Mobi2Go. This is done via a request to either your Lightspeed account manager, or through our Support Team. Once you have received the Server and Company ID for your Lightspeed account log into your Mobi2Go account and access the Lightspeed POS settings under Settings > Receiving orders.
Set the POS System to Lightspeed, then set the correct Server and input your Company ID.
Click the Save button at the bottom right of your page, which should then refresh the page and all the additional POS related information should be filled out automatically.
Click Save one more time to make sure the setup is complete.
Step Two - Importing your Lightspeed Menu
Go to the Menu tab and select Go to Menu Importer. Select POS System from the dropdown box on the top right, select your store from the Select Location dropdown and click the Import From POS button
All the items present in your POS will be imported and displayed as either a Category, Product, Modifier Group or Modifier.
You can scroll through the list and deselect an items you don't require. Once you're done you need to select Import. Once everything has been imported you will receive a Success message letting you know everything has been imported.
Receiving Orders - Notifications
Once you have connected Mobi2Go to your Lightspeed account and loaded your menu, you will be able to send orders directly to our POS. However, you will also need to turn on the sound notification so that you will be notified when the an order comes through. Below are the steps to enable the sound notification:
- Go to Manage my restaurant
- Devices
- Select Restaurant App Settings
- Select your iPad profile
- Check Use Sound
- Check Ring bell when new Takeout/Delivery order gets created
- Turn your sound up
- Tap Save
The next time an order comes through, you'll notice an audio notification (the bell rings) and a red dot on the Takeout button. Clearing new Takeout orders removes the visual notification.
Receiving orders in Lightspeed
To review and accept the Mobi2Go order from the main Lightspeed screen you need to open Extra from the top right of the screen and select Takeout & Delivery.
You should now see the new Mobi2Go order waiting under New. Here you can view all items in the order, the customer's information, and also whether or not they have paid. You can also browse previous orders.
To finalize the order you will need to tap the Pay icon along the top, which will pop up the modal used to collect payment for the order.
NB: You may need to prevent the iPad from sleeping and causing orders to fail. You can disable device sleep in the Restaurant App Settings;
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