Head Office Status Dashboard
If you have more than 1 location / store for your brand in Mobi2Go, your head office overview page now displays real-time status information in an easy-to-read dashboard:
The dashboard now has 5 interactive columns to display vital information about each store.
The 'Status' column shows the current store connection status in a 'traffic light" fashion, which refreshes automatically.
The Green dot in this column means the store is up and running online with no current issues and your customers can place orders
The Amber dot means the store is unable to receive orders, but it has been set like this on purpose. For example, the store connection might be active, but the store status is set to Inactive or Hidden (in this case, updating the store status to active would result in a Green dot):
To change the store status you'd need to click on the store name and change the store status on the store overview page.
The Red dot means the store isn't active due to some issues. For example, the dispatcher method for receiving orders might be offline or broken (the dashboard will display the current dispatcher method set in the store's Receiving Orders settings section). If you see a Suspended status, this means that the billing for the store needs to be updated before the store can be made Active again.
Your customers will not be able to place orders until the issue is fixed:
The Pick-Up and Delivery column will display store current setting for the wait time of the order method:
These settings can be changed on the overview page of each store.
The Sales column will display how many orders have been processed (successfully placed through your Mobi2Go online ordering page) by the store to the time:
By default, the dashboard organized by the 'Store' column where all stores for the head office are shown in alphabetical order.
If you click on the column name on the top of the list the dashboard will rearrange itself according to the column values.
If you have any questions about your dashboard or need to fix the store connection, please, do not hesitate to email us to support@mobi2go.com and we will be happy to help.
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